Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Every Day is Dessert

You know that ubiquitous Facebook quote: "Life is short. Eat dessert first"? That's how I feel about clothes. Why wait for a special occasion to wear your favorite outfit? Do it now!
If I'm going to wait until Hubby and I get a date night, I'll never get dressed up. Feeling pretty and put-together can take the edge off a day that has had me cleaning up baby puke, doing three loads of laundry, trying to teach my daughter how to use crayons, and then dealing with the diaper damage from aforementioned crayon lesson.
Friday night we went to a bar. By "we," I mean Hubby, Tiny Daughter, and me (yes, I take my baby to bars, only in the early evening, only if there is no smoke, and only if she is well-behaved. Parenting WIN!). I wore a Desigual tapestry skirt with bejeweled buttons. I dressed it down with a plain t-shirt and flat sandals, but I still looked a bit out of place among the flip-flops and tank tops. I don't care what other people think, because some days are simply sequin days.
It is impossible to be crabby in this skirt. Hello, lovely buttons!

The best part about wearing fancy stuff to go out with friends is that I get to pass the baby around, thus decreasing the likelihood that I'M the one she slimes. Fortunately, my friends have a pretty high goo tolerance.


  1. Love (love!) the skirt. and the manager of our corner bar knows Lucy and says, "Did you make sure to get her some applesauce or do I need to bring her some" :)

  2. Thanks, Leah! I have to say, all of the comments we've gotten from bartenders or other patrons have been completely positive. Of course, they could be saying anything behind our backs, but I was told more than once that I'm "such a cool mom" and that they hope to be like me when they have kids. I'm so proud to be leading a future generation of mommy barhoppers.
