Sunday, August 28, 2011


I went to St. Augustine today, wandered around the Spanish fort, and checked out the Old Town. They had all of the typical kitchy stores, and I really, really loved a tie-dyed, embroidered dress with one of those puckery waists that will fit everyone. It was lightweight and brightly colored, and not too expensive. I tried it on, looked in the mirror...and said no. Why, you ask, would I turn my nose up at an adorable dress?

It was most definitely a location-specific item.

Have you ever gone on vacation, made some clothing or accessory purchases and returned home only to realize you look like a reject from Survivor? Yeah. That's what this dress was. Breezy beachwear doesn't work once you leave the beach. I live in the swamp, and long, turquoise, hippie-style dresses scream,"I hate it here! I wish we lived by a beach like the smart Floridians!" And hey, no one likes bitter people.

Please understand that location-specific items do include, but are not limited to, beachwear. here are some other fine examples of stuff we should leave behind once we leave its origin:

Nothing screams, "Whoo HOOO! Spring break in CancĂșn!" like a pareo. As cute as it looked at the beachside market, it is not professional, your kids will play hide-and-seek under it, and you will never figure out how to tie it in all those cool ways they show you on the instruction paper.

Oh wait, if the instruction sheet is inadequate, go ahead and drop $15 on a pareo-tying DVD to help you out!

Moving about that fabulous trip to Guadalupe? Or, um, Arizona? Unless you are attending a Phish concert or seek a really un-PC Halloween costume, just say no to the stripey poncho. You can still slam tequila shots, I promise.

Don't forget the family vacays in the Alaskan wilderness...only the dogs to keep you warm, huddled together watching iceberg chunks break off glaciers and head straight towards your cruise ship...dum dum DUMMMM! Those fur mukluks might be warm, but you live in North Carolina. And your dogs will get really, really excited about the rabbit fur. Eww.

These boots are what UGGs want to be when they grow up.

Guten Tag! Did you enjoy your tour of Germany? Ja? Pick up all the fine wooden toys and cuckoo clocks you want, but step AWAY from the lederhosen. Your children do not want them. Your infant son will thank you many times over for not subjecting him to cutesy pictures involving lederhosen and Alpine hats. Once you leave the Alps and are no longer likely to be gored by runaway cows, your kids look pretty silly in leather shorts.

I'm sure my readers can come up with their own location-specific items. Anyone still have a puka-shell necklace rattling around in their jewelry box, despite traveling to Hawaii over eight years ago? Yeah. I thought so.

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